Wednesday, August 15, 2018

is this ok

whats up blog
woke up today dizzy with nausea and a fever, feeling like death

but i had wendys so its cool

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


omg remember when we used to blog about good music and movies and boring personal life things

remember rememberberries??????

hnngghh growing old is like accumulating all this pop culture knowledge until its irrelevance causes an implosion and then you're just like "ah, where did the time go?"
and then one day you'll be like hey remember when kanye named his kid north west
or like hey remember all the amazing music that came out from all those amazing artists???

maybe the infrequent visits to blogs made it make less sense to review new and/or current music?
like, looking at the frequency of the posts on here, these look like an occasional occurrence, with posts few and far in between, almost resembling some sense of importance.

then again, were personal blogs just online journals or diaries whose existence fed on morbid fascination with another person's life and way of expressing themselves???


are blogs and posts like dead horses that we cling to tightly because we loved those horses?
who started this blogging thing anyway
im thinking anne frank, you're thinking herodotus

the terrible silence

it came and went, like a storm;
leaving havoc in its trail, moving onwards on its journey

we watched it go, like a train derailed
staring so greedily, hoping to be touched
until it came close enough to burn
and there was nowhere to go

like a brilliant spark, so quick and so bright
our brightest day has turned dark
for all the jokers and all the whores

the blog

whoa what's good, blood?\\ <- (subculture i missed out on and don't fully understand)

you know what's weird?
people don't blog anymore, and blogging used to be like an extension of your personality
w e   h a v e   n o   p e r s o n a l i t y
just kidding
e v e r y t h i n g   y o u   d o   i s   y o u r   p e r s o n a l i t y 

2018, happy new year

remember when i blogged about not having anything to blog about
remember when i actually used this blog
remember when this blog actually used me O.o